Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I'm not sure what they were watching but it must have been interesting. :-)
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Yummy!! We had yogurt tonight, we ate about a quarter of a container of YoBaby. Only problem? It was apple flavored, really really good but mommy realized after she tasted it that it had nutmeg and cinnamon in it!! My face got really red and itchy immediately, so mommy had to give me some benedryl which I didn't like too much.
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Monday, July 21, 2008


We were having a naked night, I bought the little leggings for Zach so his knees wouldn't get rug burned. Gracie decided she needed a pair too.
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Gimme some sweet tater's

Pudding Face pt 2

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Pudding Face

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This is his morning routine normally. He swings until he passes out and usually sleeps on his face! :-)
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Zach Eating!!!

He stole my slice of bread and butter.
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Fun at the Ball Park

We took Gracie to the local minor league stadium to see her newest role model, Dora the Explorer. I couldn't get any pics of them together because when it was her turn she didn't want to stand next to Dora. Mommy ended up in the snapshot that the stadium took! The bottom pic is her first ride on a Merry Go Round, actually on a horsie. Mommy had to stand next to the horsie so that's why the picture is so close.
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I think this is her magazine cover pose.
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Monday, July 07, 2008

Same Outfit Different Baby Part 2

The first pic is Zachary taken on 6/30/08, he is almost 8 months in it. The second is Gracie taken on 8/21/06, she was just a week over 7 months. Cute huh?
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