I realize that we haven't really done much with the blog since Gracie's birthday so I am gonna catch everyone up as much as possible with this post. Of course, Gracie turned a year old on January 14th and Mommy went into deep depression!! ;) She had her 12M check-up with Dr. Kovacs on the 26th. She weighed (at that time) 20.3 lbs and was 29 3/4 inches long! We got the OK to turn her around in the car so she can see everything (of course she still hates the carseat!). She also had some shots...MMR (1st one) and Chickenpox vaccine (more on that in a minute). She hated the check-up, it took both Alex and I to hold her so Dr. Kovacs could examine her. And she was miserable after the shots! Not only did she get a needle in her thigh but they did her TB test, which involved injecting some kind of liquid under the skin on her forearm. Not a happy camper!! So not only was she kinda out of sorts because her shots, she had some sort of bug or something on Saturday and had an upset tummy. Mommy needs a vacation!! But she is certainly resilient and was back to her bubbly self on Monday. The picture was taken at our friend's Jimmy and Allison's house this past Saturday night. They babysat for us so we could go to a concert for my Mom's birthday. Gracie and Stella had a good time. Allison said Gracie got so sleepy that she sat on the sofa and rocked herself to sleep. One minute she was rocking back and forth, the next face down in the cushions!! I wish Alli had gotten a picture of that. Saturday morning was very exciting for another reason...Gracie decided she was going to walk!!! She was playing with her Intellitainer and I was sitting in the floor about 3 feet from her and she let go of the toy and took 3 or 4 steps to get to me before falling!!! Alex was very upset that he missed it but Gracie, being the wonderful daughter that she is, committed to a repeat performance later that afternoon for Daddy. Now her problem is whether to exercise her new found skill or just crawl from point A to point B because she can get there faster!!
Now back to the shots...as I said earlier she got her chickenpox vaccine the other week. So guess what we are fighting now...poor baby is running a fever, has an extremely runny nose (which she hates for Mommy or Daddy to wipe) and is just generally unhappy. We are now waiting for the spots. According to Grammy (Mom) they should be showing up any day now. Luckily, Alex has a very understanding boss and he is able to be home with her until I get off work at 2. And if Gracie does have chickenpox now, there is hardly any chance at all that she could get them later and possibly miss an important party at school!! (If you need explanation, ask Alex.) So I think that's about it for now, we are in packing mode and getting ready to move at the end of the month so hopefully we'll have pictures to Gracie to post of her first move and of her in the new apartment. Love to All!!