Thursday, February 26, 2009

Zach loves his mommy

Zach was feeling very affectionate the other night, and kept pulling Charity to him so he could hug her.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

More dolphin show footage

If you listen closely you can hear Gracie in the background squealing and laughing.

All pooped out!!

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The Dolphin Show

Gracie leaving her mark.

They are building new exhibits at the aquarium, this one for Jellies. So they had these huge sheets of paper taped up on the walls and a box of crayons.
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Dolphin Show

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Rain Forest Critters

At the top floor of the main pavilion of the aquarium is a Rain Forest exhibit. Gracie wanted to go back a second time she enjoyed it so much. Birds, monkeys lots of trees and vegetation.

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More Aquarium Pics

We took Gracie and Zach to the National Aquarium in Baltimore today. They had a blast!!

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Gracie & Mommy at the Aquarium

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Waiting not so Patiently

Waiting for the bath to fill up. Cute butt, huh?
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Raiding the Fridge!!

Zachary's new trick...Can't keep him out of it. Notice the while thing on the floor on the rug...that's the other part to the door lock that I bought for it that he pulled off!!

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Gracie and Zach's new toys.

We just bought them these huge stuffed animals from Sam's Club. They are both bigger than the kids.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Scary Presents

Yes my family loves my mom, but they also have a sick sense of humor sometimes!! The box was from my Uncle and Aunt in FL. It said shake well. The video will show you why!!

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Mommy's 50th Birthday Surprise Party

We got her good! She never suspected a thing!!

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Gracie and Cousin Thomas

They have become thick as thieves lately whenever they are together
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The Boys

Zach and Chipper watching the big kids play outside. We think they are going to kill each other with love eventually.

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