Sunday, September 28, 2008

We can see eyes now.

It was getting so we couldn't see Zach's eyes anymore, his hair was getting so Mommy made the executive decision to take him for his First Haircut!! So here are a couple of shots to show his new 'do. :-)

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Friday, September 12, 2008

ummm, this doesn't look like a fish

This is apparently our resident bullfrog in the shallow pond by the house. We have 2 in the deeper one by the garage.
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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Our Newest Family Member

This is Samantha...otherwise known as Sammie.
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Gracie had fries and nuggets from McDonalds and she left them on the chair...Zach got them. When I walked in the living room, he was chewing on a nugget!!

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Cookie Break

At least they are sharing. :-)
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The next Emeril

He has found that he can pull my cookbooks off the shelf, but then he actually sits and looks through them!!!

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