Sunday, June 29, 2008

Zach playing with the cats

Zach has started pulling himself up on things now, and if he could just get crawling down the cats would no longer be safe from him.

Zach swinging at Hatteras Landing.

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The second trip to the beach.

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Jockey's Ridge

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I am thirsty.

He is drinking the water. He got mad at Charity when she tried to put the cap back on. I guess he wasn't done yet.
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Wild Man

We had just finished walking around Ocracoke Island and that is what Zach's hair looked like after we took his hat off.
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Silly girl

Gracie was tired and had the sleepy sillies.
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Gracie the Pirate

We took this picture in front of Teach's Hole. It was a shop and museum dedicated to pirate history specifically Edward Teach aka Blackbeard. Gracie loaded up on treasure. For some reason she is really into pirates right now. We are not really sure where that came from.
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Just lazin' around.

We passed these dogs on Ocracoke Island and I couldn't resist taking a picture. Some passersby told us that they had been there all day.
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Ferry ride pt. 2

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Ferry ride to Ocracoke Island

We went to Ocracoke Island. The only way to get there is by ferry. It was a neat place. Blackbeard the Pirate used it as one of his bases, so there was a lot about pirates there.

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The North Carolina Aquarium

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Caught red handed.

So obviously we had to take the bassinet part out of the pack n play.
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The beach

Zach's first time at the beach. We didn't get to spend much time there because it started raining.

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Zach's first experience in a pool

He loved it. His sister on the other hand had to be coaxed in by poppy.

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