Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Nakedtime pics

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Bathtime Fun

So Zachary has graduated to being able to sit up by himself in the big tub. He thinks he's big stuff!!

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Couch Potatos

I think they were watching Blue's Clues. But don't they look engrossed?
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Still a little wobbly

These were taken at the beginning of the month. He was still a tad unsteady but trying to sit up by himself.
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Mr. & Mrs. Duck

These are our resident ducks, the people that live under us keep food on their patio for them. These pictures were taken from out balcony one afternoon we were hanging out with the kids out there.

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"The Ham"

His shirt says "Caution: Automatic Sprinkler" :-)

But don't you just love that grin!!
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