Sunday, January 27, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

Uncle JJ and his new hobby.

Charity's brother JJ decided he wanted to memorialize his niece and nephew. The footprint was taken from the imprint they did at the hospital when they were born.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

After Bath Nakedness

He's getting so strong!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Same outfit different baby

Pic #1 - Gracie, I think she was about a month old
Pic #2 - Zachary, taken tonight

What a difference huh?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Say Cheese

Alex told her to smile and she stopped what she was doing and said "CHEESE". We are trying to figure out where she picked that up from.

Mommy you are not cutting the cake fast enough!

Gracie decided mommy was not moving fast enough for her liking so she was taking things in her own hands.

Blow Mommy

Gracie's 2nd Birthday Cake

Friday, January 11, 2008

Gracie playing Christmas Present

She had so much stuff at Nana's Christmas night that she got overwhelmed and hid in the bedroom with Daddy.

Zachary and Uncle Billy

When you can hold a baby on your belly with no hands, you might want to think about losing a little weight!! :-) P.S. Zachary was also modeling his "First Christmas" outfit.

More Christmas Pictures

These were taken at Grandma Peggy's house on Christmas Eve. First one is self explanatory, the second is Zachary on Grandma Heather's lap (Charity's Step-mom), the third is Gracie modeling her new hat, she got a skirt that matches it. And last is Charity's cousin Kaylee holding Zachary. Cute huh?