Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Empty Box-$0
Christmas Joy-Priceless
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Friday, November 28, 2008

Huge Lollipop

This was Aunt Amber's idea of a good after dinner gift. Obviously, Aunt Amber doesn't have children of her own. Zach got one too.
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Turkey Coma

Aunt Amber and Will, both asleep. She can sleep anywhere!!!
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Little Momma

This is Gracie pushing her baby doll in the swing that we had left at Mom's. I guess its a good toy since we don't have anymore babies to put in it.
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Thanksgiving 2008

Even though it wasn't officially Zach's first Thanksgiving, he enjoyed it like it was. Look at that face, he was so excited to get his plate. He had turkey, dumplings, mashed potatoes, stuffing and green beans...oh and baked corn...he loves baked corn. Did a pretty good job of cleaning is plate too. Unlike his sister who just picked at her dinner but she still hammed it up for the camera.

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Daddy's still got it.

This is Alex holding, Will, our newest nephew (I wish someone would have some girls!!). He still has the touch...put him right to sleep!!
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The first pic is our nephew, Chipper, who is almost as big as Zach although he's roughly 5 months younger. And the second, of course, is Zach. Both eating pickles off the relish tray before Thanksgiving Dinner.
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Another new member

Meet Jake...this is Aunt Amber's new baby. He's a pure-bred yellow lab. Sweet as can be, a little butter-ball and quite the baby. He cried all day yesterday because he wasn't being held.
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Playhouse Disney Live

My girlfriend, Allison and I took the kids to see Playhouse Disney Live show last friday night. We were on the second level but still pretty good seats. They had a great time. Even Zach enjoyed it quite a bit. Gracie on the other had hasn't stopped talking about seeing Mickey Mouse.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Another pic of Will

This was taken this afternoon with my phone if its a little fuzzy. But at least his eyes were open.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Introducing the new Nephew!!

This is William Edward Joseph McFord. He was born this morning at 7:53am. He weighs 7lb 15oz and is 20in long. He's doing great, Tuesday could use everyone's prayers.
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Sunday, September 28, 2008

We can see eyes now.

It was getting so we couldn't see Zach's eyes anymore, his hair was getting so Mommy made the executive decision to take him for his First Haircut!! So here are a couple of shots to show his new 'do. :-)

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Friday, September 12, 2008

ummm, this doesn't look like a fish

This is apparently our resident bullfrog in the shallow pond by the house. We have 2 in the deeper one by the garage.
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