Friday, July 28, 2006

Stick a fork in her, she's done.

One minute she was happily biting on her bugs and the next minute this happened.


Gracie's first experience with a Biter Biscuit. She did really good considering she still has no teeth!

So Thirsty

Mommy & Gracie ready for Church


I decided I was going to "help" Mommy give me lunch. It was a little bit more messy than when Mommy does it by herself. But it was fun!!!!

Hungry anyone?

I like to chew on my bugs now. It keeps me busy while Mommy & Daddy are driving.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Gracie Update Again

Gracie went to the doctor today for her six month checkup. She weighs almost 16 pounds (which is average) and is 27 inches long (which is above average). Dr. Kovacs also said that she is absolutely beautiful (which we already knew) and that she's all ready for her trip on the big airplane to see Grandpa and Grandma. We are all counting down until September 23rd. She also got 3 shots and thinks she's a little monkey to cling to Mommy all day. But thats ok, before too long she won't want Mommy.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday Best

All ready for church. Ain't I pretty?


"There is just so much to do in this thing."


I really like juice now but not so much from my cup. I'm not really ready to give up my ba-ba.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Upset kitties

Alex decided it was time that the "boys" had a bath. This is the end result. Kinda funny huh?

4th of July Fireworks

Well we didn't get anywhere to watch fireworks so Nature decided to send some. Huge storm, but it was amazing.

Daddy's Little Sparkler

Happy 4th of July!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Big Girl

This is my favorite trick now. I want to stand up all the time. I'm pretty good at it too I just need Mommy or Daddy for balance.